My motivation

There are so many things on this beautiful planet that make life valuable. You can find beauty and joy in a profession, a person, an animal, a hobby and so on. There is no limit to be happy! – because fortune is all around us.


My life is fulfilled with love and excitement and I enjoy every second of it. I have the opportunity to study abroad and unite my professional aims and my passion for traveling thereby. During my semester abroad in Dublin I experienced many changes concerning my personality. It is amazing to see how much I grow with challenges. I learned that a semester abroad is not only supposed to help you improving your language skills, it is the experience itself that makes you independent and confident.

We always love to do the things we are good at.

I love being creative.

noun_3207_ccMy creativity shows up in eclectic ways because my range of interests is really huge. Accordingly I love painting and drawing because I like the feeling to express myself in a balanced but also dynamic way. Even if I create pieces of art for myself, I want to reach people with my ideas and emotions. That is the reason I appreciate to express myself through writing.

I love sports.

noun_3127_ccI enjoy doing sports to get rid of stress and pressure. I dance to focus on my concentration and remain fit and healthy. And I really relish doing yoga or meditation in nature because this is my way to find rest and practice composure.

I love being social.

It goes without saying that one of my biggest motivations in life are my exceptional friends, my endearing family and my wonderful relationship. For me it is one of the most important things to maintain relationships to the most relevant people in my life because sometimes everyone needs an honest opinion or an incentive advice from a person that matters.

noun_4060 (1)Additionally, my work as a promoter makes me smile every time I go out and work with people from all walks of life. It is a fantastic experience to work with children, people with disabilities, the elderly and several more. The brilliant thing is that it does not matter who you are or where you come from, it’s all about having fun and spending a great time together. And what can be better than making sad people smile again?

I found my happiness in thousands of things. And everyday there is something new that inspires me. For me, the most important thing in this fast-paced society is to enjoy the little things in life! A smile, sunshine or the feeling of being drained after a run…just open your eyes – Life is what you make it!

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